AIR.Office / ecoLogicStudio
AIRoffice integrates microalgae as an air purification tool within a working environment.

Habitat One : Sustainable Shelter / ecoLogicStudio
Following the success of the first Habitat One exhibition in Busan (Korea), the London-based architecture and design innovation firm ecoLogicStudio in collaboration with Hyundai Motor Company, show opened on March 18th, 2023 at the Hyundai Motorstudio Seoul (Korea)

Ortrivin Air Lab / ecoLogicStudio
ecoLogicStudio, architecture and design innovation firm specialised in biotechnology for the built environment, presents the Otrivin Air Lab, a living showroom and bio-design workshop conceived in collaboration with Otrivin which is open to the public at the Building Centre in London (UK) from June 15th to September 17th, 2022.

Air Bubble air-purifying eco-machine / ecoLogicStudio
Following the successful Air Bubble biotechnological playground project built in Warsaw (Poland), ecoLogicStudio presents the Air Bubble air-purifying eco-machine, which has been installed in front of the Glasgow Science Centre within the COP26’s Green Zone area.

BioFactory / ecoLogicStudio
ecoLogicStudio has recently unveiled the BioFactory architectural system that will transform the way we look at industrial architecture.